- How do I become a member of Nigeria Agricultural Quarantine service as an Exporter?
Answer: You become a member of NAQS registered Exporter by registering with
NAQS in the website via this url:
- How much do I need to pay to register?
Answer: Registration is free. You need to logon to the website and register.
- Are there any other requirements for registration?
Answer: Yes. You must have valid e-mail address; you must have a company name and a contact person.
- What do I need to know about password?
Answer: Your password is case-sensitive; it must be alpha-numeric and not less than 8 characters.
- What if I forgot my password?
Answer: Click on the Login page and click on the “reset your password or username” link to reset your password… when you click on the link, it will require you to type your e-mail address and after that, go to your mail and get the new password that will be sent to you by
Answer: Can I register with the same e-mail address twice?
Answer: No
- Can I use the same username for two different registrations?
Answer: No
- What if I get an error message when I want to activate my registration?
Answer: Once you have gotten an activation mail from, you should be able to activate. Should you find it difficult to activate, end the session and start again or try another browser.
- How do I login as a registered member?
Answer: Go to the homepage of our web portal by visiting and then login with your username and password under “member login”.
How will I apply for Phytosanitary certificate for my exporting commodity?
Answer: You must login as a registered member in the member login page and then follow the procedure to apply for Phytosanitary certificate (see “help” to learn the procedure).
- Who is a service provider?
Answer: A service provider is an accredited expert in quarantine activities, especially in treatment of agricultural produce.
- Why do I need a service provider?
Answer: He is charged with the responsibility of treating my agricultural commodity
to ensure pest free status of produce making it safe for export. He can also assist in obtaining Phytosanitary certificate and other trade related documents.
- How will I choose a service provider?
Answer: Login as a member and select the exact location of your commodity and the service provider that covers that area automatically becomes your service provider.
- How will I contact my service provider?
Answer: when you login as a member and you proceed to apply for export certification and you select the service provider that covers the exact location of your commodity and you click continue, then the details (phone numbers, contact address, e-mail address) of the service provider will be displayed in your screen, also a REGISTRATION NUMBER will be displayed which you will send to your service provider for him to process your application.
How long do I need to wait before my Phytosanitary certificate will be ready?
Answer: There is no definite time: it depends on when your service provider completes the treatment and this will be based on the requirement of the importing country.
- How will I collect my Phytosanitary certificate when it is ready?
Answer: It will be sent to your e-mail address or you can come to the zone to collect it or you can ask your service provider to collect it for you.
- What will I do when my service provider is overcharging me or when he is not prompt in treating my export commodities?
Answer: You can make a complain to Nigeria Agricultural Quarantine Service by visiting our website and clicking on the helpdesk & support link to make your complain. You can also verify the charges from the NAQS user fees at the NAQS zonal offices.
- Can I change my service provider?
Answer: The only way you can change your service provider is by changing the location of your commodity. But in a situation where you have more than on service provider covering the exact location of your commodity, you can change to the other service provider if you wish to.
- What if I don’t know the botanical name of my exporting commodity?
Answer: Call your service provider for assistance. You can also call the helpdesk line that is displayed in the helpdesk &support. The Helpdesk line is open from Monday – Friday 8:00 a.mto 5p.m.
- Can I change the name of my contact person?